5.0 License

5.0 License


PLAT 5.0 is interested in the duality of license, its concomitant responsibilities and liabilities. License is, on the one hand, the certification of one's ability to conform to legal and social code, but, on the other hand, the freedom to disregard those exact same requirements, with unexpected and even undesirable results. Given the role of architecture as a highly regulated profession, which requires licensure as a barrier to entry, and the role of the architect/designer to constantly poke at the defined edges of the field, how can this polemical condition be leveraged to fulfill both roles? PLAT 5.0 seeks to explore the boundaries of all the implications of license to shed light on the unknown fringes of agency in practice and pedagogy.

Editors-in-Chief: Kalen McNamara & Dylan Rinda

Managing Editor: Nathan Keibler

With contributions from Gavin Brown, Galo Canizares, Tei Carpenter, Eli Keller, David Kennedy and Benjamin Peek, Andy Lockyer, Sarah Oppenheimer, Samuel Stewart-Halevy and Louie Weiss.

Published Spring 2016.

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